Get floral and festive for Rodeo…

Condamine Accountants was among businesses taking out the honours in the 2018 Floral Window Competition.

By Beatrice Hawkins

Over the last two weeks we have had the annual garden competition and a big thank you to those who entered despite the harsh conditions. As you read this the annual Spring Flower Show will be on in St Mary’s Hall.

The next item on the agenda will be the Floral Window Competition to be judged on the 25th October and on display over the Rodeo and Campdraft weekend.

There are 10 categories and even one that allows for the use of artificial flowers. Foyers, waiting rooms, interiors, as well as windows, all have their place. There is a category for schools and kindergartens and I know one school regularly enters using a main street business’ window.

Some other businesses that don’t want to enter may be happy to allow the use of their window for display – call in and ask.

Judging in all classes is on design, colour, impact, condition of materials and overall effect.

This is open to all business houses and entry is free. Entry forms are available from Bryson’s, so pick one up, read the details, get your thinking caps on, tap into your creative side and let’s get some interesting displays happening!

What a great way to promote your business to the many visitors in our town during rodeo weekend!

As I write this we have had a few showers and some amazing hail storms in the area. I guess the little we have had will keep the garden alive a while longer but I won’t be taking the plastic from my vegetable garden any time soon! That will have to wait until there is water in the dam and restrictions have been lifted.

Something permanent needs to be done about the water situation in this country. I do so miss growing things, having fresh vegetables to use and give away and seeing green grass – it is so therapeutic and good for mental health.

Because it has not been politically expedient for the last very many years the supply of water for the population, both domestic and farming, via dams has not been kept pace with the increased population and demand. Food production in this country is really feeling it and this has transposed into higher prices on the shelves of supermarkets.

Something that has come to my attention and while it seems like a little bit of trivia and fun it is actually very serious. Indonesia has for a very long time sourced the wheat to make their noodles from Australia. Indonesians eat a LOT of noodles. They are a big part of the staple diet of that country. At present there is a shortage of the preferred variety of wheat from Australia and consequently they are having to buy from other areas, namely Europe. This is a very different type of wheat and is making the noodles much darker in colour and the Indonesians do not like it! Japan is in a similar position with texture being the requirement there.

The lack of water for agriculture in Australia is not only affecting things domestically here it is affecting domestic situations in other countries. Who knows how long it will take to regain the export trade to those countries once the drought breaks and we again have product to supply?

Water is a very basic requirement for all aspects of life. Infrastructure, by way of increased water supply, has got to be a priority for those governing this great country.

My garden was looking surprisingly alive when I arrived home from 6 weeks away. The volunteers had all poked their heads up and flowered and there were still a number of lovely red peony poppies flowering. The hippeastrums are almost finished but must have looked nice a week or so earlier. Sweet Alice had been flourishing but is about finished. Now, with the recent showers, there will be a new crop covering the ground in about 6 weeks combining with the vincas that are coming up.

I was delighted to find that the snail plant that I am sentimentally attached too, has survived. An old and very dear friend grew it from seed and I have been carting it from place to place for at least 10 years in her memory. I am thrilled that once again it will put on a great display covering a portion of my back fence. The black muscat grape vine has also survived and a petrea volubilis (sandpaper vine) is shooting. A pale pink clematis is covered with flowers and assorted lilies are poking their heads up in the pots down the side of the house.

Looking forward to seeing many entries in the window competition this year to brighten our business area and continuing to pray for rain to ease this drought.

*This is an old article that has been digitised so our readers have access to our full catalogue.