A game of skill, luck and fun

Alex Fernandes … holding an information session on the cornhole game tonight. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

It’s called cornhole, and that’s basically what the game is about – throwing a bag of corn into a hole cut into a board that lies at a slight angle off the ground. It might sound simple but it’s quite a game of skill and is a lot of fun.

Come along and try it for yourself on Friday 6 July at the Kings Theatre Rooms in the Warwick RSL. The information night starts at 6.30. There’s nothing quite like trying it for yourself to see if it will appeal.

Alex Fernandes, who is keen to start up a club in Warwick, said the game was popular in a number of areas of the world.

“It’s played as a professional sport in the United States and Canada and it’s getting that way in Europe too,“ Alex said.

He said the game was gaining popularity in Australia and was especially inclusive, being open to people of all ages and skill levels.

“It’s a great way to spend an evening, enjoying the activity and good company. It’s something that family and friends can enjoy together.“

Alex said he already had Warwick Solar Panels, Autopro and Harvey Norman providing local sponsorship for the custom-designed equipment.

He envisages weekly meetings at a local venue for social nights as well as tournaments.

A second information and demonstration night will be held at the RSL on 13 July.

So, the burning question is this: Are the bags actually filled with corn? Well, they used to be but nowadays plastic pellets are the preferred filling, as they don’t attract rodents or go mouldy.