Regional growth focus

New Economic Development Manger Gary Warrener learns a little more of what the Granite Belt has to offer from Christine Hood from Jamworks. Pictures: SAMANTHA WANTLING

By Lucy Waldron

Mayor Melissa Hamilton addressed key economic development constraints at the Stanthorpe Chamber of Commerce’s May Networking Event, including housing, water security, and tertiary education.

She emphasised the need for council intervention to solve these issues, highlighting the importance of housing for attracting significant industries.

Similar to challenges faced by Toowoomba before the pipeline, water security remains a key concern.

However, optimism surrounds the potential impact of the Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline on regional industries.

The council is actively exploring solutions, including the establishment of Study Hubs and a new planning scheme to encourage business establishment.

Mayor Hamilton stressed the importance of collaboration with local chambers of commerce to address these challenges effectively.

A lengthy question and answer session followed Cr Hamilton’s speech and the Chamber members were more and informed on several important community aspects.