My chickens and rooster

William with George and some of the chooks.

By William Lister

At our place there are six chickens and one rooster.

Only the rooster has a name and he is called George.

Actually the chickens do have names but they all look the same as the other ones.

George is much friendlier than the last rooster we had who was called Nuggets and he always chased me and jumped up and kicked me.

The chickens always go everywhere and George has to make them stay at the same place so he’s busy with that.

The chickens lay so many eggs that there’s too many to eat. My favourite is bacon and eggs and French toast.

I put the bacon and eggs in a sandwich and eat them that way. I help Dan Dan [William’s granddad who lives on our property] put the chickens and George to bed at night.

Dan Dan locks the door to stop the foxes from eating our chickens.

George the rooster wakes me up for school by saying cockydoodoo but that’s the only thing he knows how to say.