Warwick Bridge Club…

This week's results.

By Neil Bonnell, Warwick Bridge Club

There is a Chinese curse which says, “May you live in interesting times”.

Last Friday most players agreed that they had lots of interesting times with the cards.

Lopsided distributions were common and making contracts was at times impossible. On Board 20, for example, no one fulfilled their contract.

One North/South pair who tried 4C failed by one trick and 3NT by North failed by two tricks. The best score for North/South came when their opponents reached 4S by West. This was doubled and North led the King of clubs.

However declarer played the trumps, North’s King would win early. North could then lead the six of hearts. South has two winners and could play a third heart. Now declarer faces Hobson’s choice: ruff high and promote one of North’s remaining trumps or discard a diamond and allow North to ruff.

Then West faced the problem of North sitting over West’s diamonds. Suffice to say, 4S doubled was not a success as it scored minus 1100.

The best score for East/West was 500 when they doubled 3D by North. West held five cards in each of North’s best suits. Added to that, the club suit was neutralized. 3D doubled two down cost 500 points. What was interesting is that a different contract was played at each table. It was as if no one knew quite what to do with this board.


Monday, 18/08/21 (5 & ½-table Howell): J, Nankervis P. Kelly (60.6) 1eq; N. Collins M Simpson (60.6) 1 eq: J. Rose P. Campbell (54.2) 3 eq; N. Bonnell C. Hall (54.2) 3 eq.

Friday, 21/08/21 (5-table Mitchell) N/S N. Collins J. Nankervis (63.3) 1; N. Bonnell B. Bonnell (56.2) 2; E/W J. Rose D. Moran (73.3) 1; S. Goddard N. MCGinness (58.3) 2.