Olsens product of the month

Olsens Produce ‘Product of the Month’ for September is… Di-Vetelact!

Olsens Produce ‘Product of the Month’ for September is… Di-Vetelact!

Di-Vetelact OriginalDV is a delicious, milk replacer for infant animals and a premium protein nutritional supplement, fortified with vitamins and minerals to ensure the best health for animals.

It is scientifically formulated with the optimum crude ratios of fatty acids, important amino acids and 13 high quality vitamins and 12 minerals to ensure sustained growth, development and vitality of animals from infancy through to senior years.


• Closely matches the composition of mother’s milk

• Is nutrient-rich for orphaned, rejected and early-weaned animals

• Supports both mother and babies through pregnancy, gestation and lactation

• Is wholesome for animals convalescing or recovering from surgery

• Is nurturing in times of stress

• Is restorative for mature and elderly animals

• Is revitalising for show and performance animals

For more information about Olsens, its services, and its products, visit www.olsensproduce.com.au or the store at 13 Lyons St, Warwick.