Pools set to get solar

Southern Downs Regional Council approved an allocation to install solar systems at the Allora and Killarney Swimming Pools at the last council meeting.

By Dominique Tassell

Southern Downs Regional Council approved an allocation to install solar systems at the Allora and Killarney Swimming Pools at the last council meeting.

The dual purpose solar systems will cost a total of $276,000.

It was stated in the agenda that historically, the pools have been a significant drain on Council resources regarding operating and maintenance costs.

It was expected that the installation of the solar system would reduce overall costs.

Staff stated that the project was “about reducing our environmental footprint in line with Environmental Sustainability Strategy”.

They did state, however, that since the agenda was released it’s come to light that earlier this year a motion was moved to adopt the environmental sustainability strategy and action plan, which included a resolution to consider implementation of specific elements of the action plan in the 2022/23 budget deliberation.

Staff wanted to disclose this so it was clear that they were not trying to transcend a previous resolution with this motion, as they are seeking current funding not future funding.

There was some confusion over whether the financial implications of this motion were immediate or for the future.

It was clarified that once approved, the project would go back to staff and then be presented in the October quarterly budget review.

Councillor McNally sought clarification over whether the budget would be increased or whether that money would be taken from elsewhere.

Mayor said he thought it should go in the review and then the officers will review how it should be treated in the budget and come back to council.

Councillor McNally also questioned whether this project would close the pools, which are scheduled to open soon.

It was confirmed that the project would not affect the pool’s opening hours or schedule.

Councillor McNally then moved the motion, and it was seconded by Councillor Cynthia McDonald.