Take time for mental health

'Take time - for mental health' by Jesse James.

By Dominique Tassell

Running until 17 October, this year’s Queensland Mental Health Week theme is Take Time for Mental Health.

A group was formed earlier this year to bring together those with lived experience of mental health concerns, carers, community groups and agencies to plan for Mental Health Week in the Southern Downs.

Catherine Elliott, a mental health nurse, who has been a part of the group stated that we all know the benefits of working collaboratively but the group is delighted with what they have been able to achieve for the community in Mental Health Week.

One of the initiatives Southern Downs Regional Council are offering is Older Persons Mental Health First Aid Training in Stanthorpe.

This program equips community members and service providers with a greater understanding of mental illness and how it can affect older people.

It also teaches how to recognise when there might be a problem, and how to intervene to assist the person affected to get the help and support needed.

“Older Australians can tend to put on a brave face and not seek help, they may need others to notice when they are struggling and suggest options for support.”

All are invited to participate in the Mental Health & Wellbeing Fairs that are being held in Stanthorpe on Wednesday 13 October at the Civic Centre Supper Hall, and at the Town Hall, Warwick on Friday 15 October.

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Fairs offer an opportunity to meet service providers and find out more about what is offered.

There will be a range of activities and workshops such as drumming, yoga and art that are on offer without charge.

Also on the calendar is the Glow Island event, hosted by headspace for headspace Day on 16 October.

The event will run from midday to 8:30pm, and they will be transforming The Granary in Warwick into an island retreat at daytime and glow party at night.

The event will be held at The Granary on 145 Victoria Street in Warwick and you can register through eventbrite.

To improve access to the mental health service a Southern Downs Service Directory has been launched during Mental Health Week and will be available at each of the events.

The directory will be available around town and can be found at the Warwick and Stanthorpe Today reception.