Warwick school’s controversial Covid decision

Warwick Christian College has made a controversial decision in the lead up to the coming school year regarding the school’s handling of Covid-19.

By Dominique Tassell

Warwick Christian College has made a controversial decision in the lead up to the coming school year regarding the school’s handling of Covid-19.

A letter sent out by the school outlines how the school will be accommodating unvaccinated staff members amid a Health Direction issued by the Queensland Chief Health Officer late last year.

The Health Direction stated that workers in high-risk settings, such as schools and kindergartens, must be vaccinated in order to be on campus when students are in attendance.

Principal Sean Greenacre states in the letter that “whilst most staff at Warwick Christian College are vaccinated, there are some staff who have decided not to be vaccinated”.

He states that when school resumes, “some staff who have chosen not to be vaccinated will continue working in their roles in a modified way whereby they will not be able to be within the school grounds when students are in attendance from 8:00 am – 3:10 pm”.

“Some administration staff including myself who are not vaccinated will be working at 72 Horsman Rd, Warwick – near G Block, with separate entrance from the rest of the College together with its own parking on the street.”

Mr Greenacre goes on to explain that as classes will be taught face-to-face, some unvaccinated staff members will not be able to return.

He then states it is “regretful” that the Health Direction will impact schools.

It is unknown how the majority of parents have responded to the news.

One local expressed disbelief at the situation and how the principal thinks it is a good idea.

“He should be leading by example but he’s not.”

In response to the College’s decision, a Queensland Health spokesperson stated “We can’t make this any clearer: Vaccines. Save. Lives.”

“The vast majority of Queenslanders are sensible enough to know this.

“Vaccinations are a global phenomenon that have saved countless lives around the world. They are backed by science, and approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The Covid-19 vaccination is no different.

“Although the Covid-19 vaccine isn’t mandatory for most people, we strongly encourage every Queenslander who can be vaccinated to do so to protect themselves and others.”

Upon investigation, it appears the building that unvaccinated staff will be working on is on the same block as the rest of the school.

The G Block mentioned in the letter is labelled from the outside as the Prep to Year 6 building.

In order for the building to not be affected by the Health Direction, it must:

• be unoccupied by users and workers of the high-risk setting; and

• be physically separate from the occupied part of the high-risk setting or be secured and delineated so that users and workers of the high-risk setting cannot enter; and

• not have shared points of access with the users and workers of the high-risk setting; and

• not be accessed by a person who uses the facilities (for example, toilets or lunchroom) in the high-risk setting.

It is unclear whether the building unvaccinated staff will work from has its own toilet facilities and lunchroom, and how staff will work for the foreseeable future without interacting with any other staff members or students.

One local questioned how the Principal will perform his duties to the standard required without interacting with any students or setting foot on the rest of campus during school hours.

As the College is an independent school, Education Queensland could not comment on the situation.

Independent Schools Queensland was contacted for comment but stated they do not comment on individual schools.

A spokesperson stated that they “don’t govern the schools, they govern themselves”.

“We just provide support.”

Warwick Christian College could not provide a comment in time for publication, but will hopefully have a response in next week’s edition.