Cadillacs coming to town

This year the Queensland Branch of the Cadillac LaSalle Club of Australia is hosting their National Car Meeting of Cadillacs and has chosen the Host City to be Stanthorpe.

Over the last 12 months, they have been working closely with the local community of Stanthorpe and surrounding communities to put in place a friendly and relaxed meeting for their members.

They are looking forward to plenty of country drives and visits to local wineries and sightseeing.

They look forward to welcoming approximately 80 guests and 35 to 40 beautiful, and large, Cadillacs to the community and surrounds.

On Wednesday 11 May, the cars will be touring the districts North of Stanthorpe. They will meet at 2 pm at the train station to then drive through town towards the park area behind the Tourist Information Centre where the beautiful cars will be on display from approximately 3 pm until 4pm for the public to view up close and personal and chat with the owners.