Stanthorpe 150 colouring book launches

Students with Principal Pozzi.

Two books celebrating Stanthorpe 150 launched on Friday 27 May.

A colouring book was launched for Prep to Year 4, with a second history book also launched for children in Years 5 and 6.

Local artist Jennie Wardle illustrated the colouring book, with Jim Barnes and Grace Mitchener assisting.

Rotary Club of Stanthorpe championed the book, with the support of a grant from Stanthorpe RSL Services Club.

The book, containing 16 colouring illustrations celebrating Stanthorpe’s history, will be given out to early primary school children in the region.

To celebrate the launch, those involved gathered at Stanthorpe State School in their vintage finery for a photoshoot with the theme “Back to 1872”.

Both students and teachers were dressed in period costumes to celebrate Stanthorpe’s 150th Anniversary.

Students were judged on their costumes.

Principal Mrs Pozzi also explained to the students what discipline was like in those early days.

The booklets will be gifted to all primary students in the district to highlight some of the events and changes to our town over 150 years.

President Jim Baxter presented the booklets to the school.

Photos by Sandra McEwan.