Killarney Area Promotion Association votes in new executive

The new KAPA committee, Paul Stumkat, Susan Blissner, Tony Pearson, and Angela Phillips, doing the "Killarney wave".

By Dominique Tassell

The Killarney Area Promotion Association (KAPA) held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 7 September, resulting in a total changeover in the executive.

Southern Downs Regional Councillors Stephen Tancred and Ross Bartley were present at the meeting.

The treasurer’s report revealed they are in a better financial state than they were at the last meeting.

Outgoing president Brian Thomas gave his report, thanking the management committee and various locals for their support during his time as president.

He said they had seen successes during his time as president, such as Christmas in Killarney which had over 1000 attendees.

Brian thanked Southern Downs Regional Council for giving them opportunities to have input, such as through the Urban Design Frameworks, and for giving them opportunities to apply for grants where applicable.

He said they have been “very approachable and very responsive”.

Brian also stated they’d had a strong distribution of tourist maps and the electronic information on the area was “brought up to speed”

The Killarney Markets, he said, were very successful and attracted up to 50 stallholders. The future of the markets will be up to the new executive.

KAPA also made cash donations to various groups in the past year, including the Killarney Girls Brigade, Killarney Rec Club, and victims of the Northern Rivers flood events.

Brian highlighted that they’d had input into the hiking and biking trail submission through the State Government, and got the noticeboard in Canning Park upgraded.

He said there were disappointments too, though.

Not getting the explore centre up and running was one of them, as was not having enough funding for television advertising.

Brian said one of the bigger disappointments was dealing with negative feedback about the behaviour of members, and hearing that tourists visiting parks were being treated poorly.

The resignation of the Vice President and Treasurer, he said, “left a little bit for us to carry”.

He said they’d received “constant negative banter” from the community and KAPA members, with a lack of input from members.

Brian said there wasn’t enough help available for the markets and they hadn’t been able to create a K-Town Management Group or Killarney Chamber of Commerce.

He said that in his experience as president, there are a lot of people who can “talk the talk but not walk the walk” and that “this town does not like change”.

“This town expects funding and handouts from anyone who will give it to them,” he said.

Brian said locals do not invest in the town and the community does not support each other.

This was met with comments from the floor disagreeing with Brian’s report, with some locals stating they had started up new businesses and not been invited to join KAPA.

Cr Bartley stepped in and said that “normally reports are not debated”.

He said members would need to “sort this out in a normal meeting”.

Brian finished his report, stating that his time as president had been difficult but he trusts that “the mantra of KAPA going forward is one of respect and support for ones that are willing to contribute”.

He said he went into the position hoping to make a difference and felt he had.

Brian thanked everyone for the opportunity and wished the committee every success in the future.

The executives then vacated their position, and Cr Tancred stepped in as chairperson.

Paul Stumkat was put forward as President, nominated by Tony Pearson and Wendy Pearson.

Tony Pearson was put forward as Vice President, nominated by Paul Stumkat and Wendy Pearson.

Angela Phillips was put forward as Secretary, nominated by Jeanette Braithwaite and Bev Ruskie.

Susan Blissner was put forward as Treasurer, nominated by Tony Pearson and Wendy Pearson.

There was a majority in support for all four nominations.

Paul Stumkat then took over as chairperson, thanking the Council and the outgoing committee.

He said KAPA’s focus would be on the community, and moving ahead with “making the community wonderful”.

The new executive then moved essential items such as appointing an auditor and agreeing on membership fees.

The AGM was then closed.

Cr Bartley congratulated the incoming committee and wished them the best, thanking the outgoing committee as well.

He said you often get taken for granted in these roles.

“No matter who sits in the seat, it goes with the seat that you will always be criticised and ridiculed.”