The street is starting to look festive

The main street in stanthorpe is preparing for the Apple and Grape Harvest Festival. Pictures: SAMANTHA WANTLING

How amazing does our main street look? The festive spirit is unmistakable, heralding the arrival of the Stanthorpe Apple and Grape Harvest Festival. The arches, lights, and bunting have transformed our town, evoking memories of my own childhood excitement witnessing their installation. That same thrill still exists, proving that some things truly never change.

The countdown is underway, with just 15 days until we light up the street and kick off the festivities. Anticipation is building, and the energy is contagious.

While I’ve often expressed gratitude for our dedicated volunteers, there are three remarkable young ladies who have quietly made a substantial impact on this year’s festival. Our 2024 Young Ambassadors—Granite Belt Growers Young Ambassador Breanna Harrison, Rotary Young Ambassador Anna Henderson, and Balladean Young Ambassador Sophie Day—have been tirelessly working since the day they committed to the festival.

Despite the challenge of having only three ambassadors, lacking the usual multitude of support, these girls have exceeded all expectations. Witnessing their involvement in the Stanthorpe Show’s official opening last Friday, I couldn’t help but feel an immense sense of pride. Though small in number, their passion for the region is immeasurable.

Each of these young ambassadors proudly represents their roots on the Granite Belt, wearing their passion on their sleeves. They’ve fearlessly stepped outside their comfort zones to advocate for our region and the festival they represent.

In the next three weeks, if you encounter any of these girls, take a moment to congratulate them for volunteering and ensuring the festival’s continued success. And for those eager to join us in celebrating their hard work, don’t forget to secure your tickets for the gala ball at Tickets are selling fast!

Let the countdown commence.