Rushing to break educational barriers

Warwick will host a new Study Hub under the Albanese Government. Picture: UNSPLASH

By Lucy Waldron

Warwick is set to become one of the four new locations with a Regional University Study Hub (RUSH).

The four new Study Hubs are part of a $16m announcement by the Albanese Labour Government to open 10 new Regional University Study Hubs around Australia this year, bringing university closer to students living in the the regions.

Leader of The Nationals and Federal Member for Maranoa David Littleproud said the announcement would help locals pursue their dreams of higher education, without having to leave their hometown.

“These facilities are vital in upskilling our future generations to help combat the skilled-labour shortage regional areas are facing, while also allowing them to continue to live and work in the communities they call home,” Mr Littleproud said.

“It gives me great pride to have helped secure these exciting new Regional University Study Hubs for our Maranoa electorate.”

There are currently 34 existing Regional University Study Hubs located across the country, including six in Queensland, and the evidence shows that where they are, university participation and completion goes up.

In response to the Universities Accord Interim Report, the Government will double the number of University Study Hubs across Australia. 

The Minister for Education, Jason Clare said while almost one in two young people in their 20s and 30s have a university degree, this statistic is not the same for regional Australia.

“The Universities Accord makes it clear that we need more people from the regions and outer suburbs to get a university qualification,” Mr Clare said.

“I want more young people to get a crack at going to university and we know that postcode is a massive barrier for young people getting that chance.  

“Bringing university closer to where you live will encourage more people who otherwise might decide not to go to university at all to give it a crack.”

The Assistant Minister for Education and Regional Development Senator, Anthony Chisholm said the expansion of RUSH will remove barriers for more students so they can access a high-quality tertiary education.

“These hubs create a campus-like environment where students can access support, the latest technology and be part of an engaging learning environment to help them achieve their academic goals, without having to leave their community.

“Every student deserves to have access to a world-class education no matter who they are or where they live.”

The locations of 10 new Regional University Study Hubs across the country are; East Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Victor Harbor, South Australia, Warwick, Queensland, Chinchilla, Queensland, Innisfail, Queensland, King Island, Tasmania, Katanning, Western Australia, The Pilbara (Tom Price and Onslow), Western Australia, Central Western Queensland (Longreach, Barcaldine, Blackall, Winton, Boulia, Bedourie, Birdsville and Jundah), East Gippsland (Mallacoota, Orbost, Omeo, Heyfield and Yarram), Victoria.

The Government is also providing additional funding to two existing Regional University Study Hubs located in: Cowra, New South Wales, Mudgee, New South Wales.