A Q&A with councillor Sheryl Windle

Get to know more about Cr Sheryl Windle.

What’s something people may not know about you?

I get seasick so I have no desire to go on a cruise unless it was up the Murray River.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Spending time with family and friends and getting away in our caravan for a few days. I also like crocheting and reading.

What is your favourite part of your involvement in the community?

During my time as a councillor, I have met a lot of amazing people throughout the region. Many of them are volunteers across many organisations and they are the backbone of this region.

What is a message you would like to tell your younger self?

I didn’t have a lot of self-confidence when I was younger so I would probably say just go for it and don’t worry about what anyone thinks.

Who is an inspiration to you?

Many people have inspired me during my lifetime but I am particularly inspired by people who overcome their disabilities to live a fulfilling life and do amazing things.

Which six guests, dead or alive, would be invited to your ultimate dinner party?

I would need a larger guest list if I was to host an ultimate dinner party. My family and close friends are all very important to me and would definitely be on that guest list.


Warwick and Stanthorpe Today will shine a spotlight on member of the new Southern Downs Regional Council over the next few weeks, getting to know the person behind the politics, starting with deputy mayor Sheryl Windle.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

“When one door of opportunity closes another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Helen Keller – writer & teacher

What are you most passionate about?

Succeeding as a councillor and now as deputy mayor.

What is your biggest achievement?

Raising four wonderful sons to be amazing adults.