High tea celebrates Mums

The hardworking ladies of the Cunningham QCWA made sure the morning was a complete success. Pictures: SAMANTHA WANTLING

In a celebration of Mother’s Day, the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) Cunningham hosted an elegant High Tea to honour mothers and mother figures.

The event, held at the Cunningham QCWA hall on 10 May, welcomed over 100 mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and all those who play a nurturing role in the lives of others.

With delicately decorated tables, fragrant floral arrangements, and a warm ambience, the High Tea provided the perfect setting for guests to relax and indulge in a beautiful morning.

Attendees were treated to a delectable spread of traditional High Tea fare, including an assortment of sweet and savoury foods.

As well as the joy of the morning, raffles, handcrafts, baking and plants were on offer for everyone to browse.

The High Tea also served as an opportunity to recognise the invaluable contributions of the QCWA in supporting women and families across Queensland. Through its various initiatives and programs, the organisation continues to empower women, promote community connection, and foster social cohesion.

The Queensland Country Women’s Association extends its sincere thanks to all who attended the High Tea, as well as to its dedicated members and volunteers who helped make the event a resounding success.