Accolade for JJJ volunteers

Kristen Goldup (brand director Oztix); Bette Bonney, Pam Burley, Bella Cosgrove (tickets client service) celebrated 20 years. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

The Jumpers and Jazz in July committee has been recognised for its dedication and hard work with the Oztix Volunteer of the Year Award.

This accolade was presented to committee members Pam Burley and Bette Bonney during the 20th birthday celebration of Oztix, the ticketing site that manages all ticket sales for the festival.

Kristen Goldup, brand director at Oztix, surprised the committee members with the award. She praised Pam Burley and Bette Bonney for their unwavering commitment to making Jumpers and Jazz in July a standout event.

“We are delighted to present Pam Burley and Bette Bonney with our inaugural Volunteer of the Year Award, in recognition of their relentless work in making Jumpers and Jazz in July an incredible destination event,” said Ms Goldup.

“From writing grant applications, measuring economic impact, building sponsorship packages, artist management, programming, national media pitches, digital marketing, and of course, ticketing. To their credit, they have done it with the support of their volunteer teams with absolute grace. Most importantly, we recognize that they do it all for just one thing: the love of their hometown – Warwick.“

Pam Burley and Bette Bonney expressed their gratitude for the award, acknowledging the inspiration and support provided by Kristen Goldup and her team over the years.

“We thank an integral part of Jumpers and Jazz, the volunteer committee members and engaged consultants who continue to contribute to the success of Queensland’s Quirkiest Winter Festival,“ they said.

This recognition highlights the significant impact of the volunteers’ dedication, showcasing how their efforts have transformed Jumpers and Jazz in July into an event that celebrates both art and community spirit.