Stanthorpe golf club open has arrived

Stanthorpe Golf club members are gearing up for two big days of competition this weekend.

By Casey O'Connor

Stanthorpe Golf club members are gearing up for two big days of competition this weekend.

The Stanthorpe Open weekend has arrived and support for the two-day format has been excellent.

Saturday is a medley 4BBB stableford, with shotgun starts.

The first, an early one for those early birds, and 11.45 am for the afternoon group.

On Sunday there is a stroke event for men and stableford for ladies. Both men’s and ladies off time.

Long-time sponsor of the event Maddie’s Gift Gallery is back on board along with the City Golf Club, Toowoomba and the Tenterfield Golf Club.

With some players expected from Tenterfield GC, it is hoped they will be able to travel across the border.

There has been plenty of work done in preparation for the open thanks to a big effort by the group of volunteers who have been working under the watchful eye of the Greenkeeper, Bill, and Keith Jones.

Rather than golf clubs, members have been seen on the course with whipper-snippers, gardening tools, paint and brush and have been busy collecting and disposing of rubbish.

All working to ensure the course is well presented.

Golfers can look forward to some great steak burgers on both days and breakfast on Sunday with members of the Granite Belt Rotary Club manning the BBQ to provide plenty of sustenance.