Warwick Bridge Club…

This week's results.

By Neil Bonnell, Warwick Bridge Club

Last Friday the Bridge club bade farewell to John and Valerie Rose, who are moving to Brisbane for family reasons. John is a foundation member of the club and Valerie has been a member for over twenty years. John is a Grand Master and has filled many positions in the club, including President, Vice-President, Tournament director, Congress Convener and Masterpoint Secretary. We will cherish their friendship and their wonderful contribution to our group. We wish them every happiness in the next phase of their lives.

Last Friday Valerie, playing with Peter Campbell, scored a spectacular top on Board 15 (above) on which she made all thirteen tricks in the contract of 6H. When dummy went down on the table after the lead of the five of diamonds, there looked to be about eight of the twelve tricks needed. A lead like that could either promise an honour card or two – or be a singleton. This point is always the most important stage in any deal. A plan has to be made and some assumptions or deductions made about the defenders’ hands. Clearly the first trick had to be won by a top diamond, but the other top diamond could wait. It would be helpful if East held the King of hearts and if East and West held three clubs each. So the ten of hearts could be sent to find the King, which East did hold. Trumps could be drawn in two rounds, the Ace of spades cashed and a cross-ruff in diamonds and clubs started. There were also the Ace of diamonds and two spade winners in dummy. Trying to cash the second top diamond too early would have allowed West to trump it. At another table John had to watch as his opponents also won thirteen tricks. The silver lining for John was that they stopped in 4H and scored 710 to Valerie’s 1460.

Results: Monday, 23/05/22 (6-table Mitchell): N/S N. Collins D. Moran (68.3) 1; Jenny Smith P. Kelly (62.7) 2; J. Rose P. Campbell (61.0) 3. E/W R. Hart N. McGinness (60.0) 1; W. Milne J. Sipple (59.0) 2; L. Munson T. Graham (53.3) 3. Friday, 27/03/22 (6-table Mitchell) N/S J. Nankervis P. Kelly (56.7)1; M. Johnston C. Duggan (56.3) 2; V. Rose P. Campbell (53.0) 3. E/W L.Munson T. Hinde (60.0) 1; J. Rose D. Moran (57.0) 2: J. Mobbs N. McGinness (50.7) 3.