Warwick Gymnastic club star at home event

Competitors from the Level Three Session, Warwick Gymnastics Club, Toowoomba PCYC and Aerial Gymnastics proudly show off their medals with Cr Russell Wantling and Session Sponsor Gillot Construction.

Warwick Gymnastic club have started it’s representative season on a high note with four of their level four members qualifying for the state titles following good results at their event Warwick at the weekend.

Coaching team member Lyndsay Morris said it was a great start to the season with competitors coming from Brisbane and Toowoomba for the event the WGC Teams Invitational.

“This one of our smaller events over the past five years with about 150 competitors,” Morris said.

The event included gymnasts from levels one through to six.

“Our ones and twos their event wasn’t really classified as a competition it’s like a little showcase and they all did very well,” she said.

“It was nice to see them get the opportunity to show their parents what exactly they have been doing at training.

“Our level threes did very well – we had quite a few competing as level threes for the first time, if not their first competitions ever. Level three is where they start to do routines to music and have choreography. So it’s a big deal first time round.

“They did fantastic.”

She said the teams event follows a different format to what might be expected.

“The format is different to most other events, it’s not individuals it’s teams and so the gymnast in the whole competition are randomly assigned into a mixed club team. It wasn’t just a team of Warwick kids, a team of Brissy kids we do mixed teams to encourage meeting new people getting out of their comfort zone and having a nice interaction between clubs. I think it’s the third year we’ve been doing a teams event. I enjoy it and I find it takes a bit more pressure off the girls because they’re not so worried about what they’re doing because they know they can rely on others because its top three scores to count per apparatus.”

She said four to sixes have the opportunity to qualify for state in their level, needing a 34 all-around for states.

“We had four level fours qualify – Zahliah LeBroq, Sophie Acquisto, Bonnie McConville and Tayla-Ann Davy.”

States will be held in September school holidays with all of the other team members having another six opportunities to qualify throughout the year.

“In our level four group there were 12 or 13 in our level four group – four qualified but everyone else was withing 0.8 of qualifications,” she said.

Morris said the level five and six competitors were also very close to qualifying.

The Warwick club will hold it’s next event – the Winter Invitational 20-21 July.