QCWA branches celebrate 90th anniversaries

TWO well-known and loved QCWA groups are set to celebrate their 90th anniversaries over the next three weeks.
This weekend the Killarney QCWA celebrates their 90th anniversary with a luncheon at the Killarney Recreation Club on Saturday 22 March, 11.30am for noon. Everyone welcome, especially past members of branch, younger set and the community. For further information phone Margaret 46664165 or Denise 46664164.
Then it’s the turn of the QCWA Condamine Valley/Warwick who celebrate their 90th Birthday on Saturday 5 April.
A function will be held from 1.30pm at the QCWA Rooms, 76 Grafton Street, Warwick.
Warwick club secretary Penny Cambell-Wilson said over many decades, the Branch and its members have assisted families and organisations in Warwick and District.
She said it was the committee’s wish to acknowledge the past and current members who have worked so tirelessly so this service could continue in our community.
“There are many former members residing in our district and we would be delighted if they could contact Mrs Shirley Owens on 4661 2470 or myself on 4667 0386, thus allowing us the opportunity to personally invite them to this very important function,” she said.
“It is an opportunity to catch up with friends, to view the recently completed renovations to our rooms in Grafton Street, and to meet our State President Mrs Robyn McFarlane from Mackay.
“We look forward to hearing from many former members.”