Time for renewal

THE newly renamed Warwick Collective is set to hold an open community meeting at The Cherry Tree Coffee and Dining at Warwick on Wednesday 26 March.
Beginning life as a community group based around the idea of widely-used Renew Australia model, the newly named and incorporated Warwick Collective Inc has evolved into something much more according to group spokesman Jon Colfs.
“The idea behind Warwick Collective Inc is to partner members and the community, supporting wellbeing through arts, healthy lifestyles, environmentalism, multiculturalism and collaboration,” he said.
“Warwick Collective Inc plans on setting up a community garden and a community space, running workshops for members as well as events and markets.
“Membership is open to absolutely everyone in the region. If you have a skill you’d like to pass on or want to be a part of the community space or garden or can contribute in some way please go to www.warwickcollectiveinc.com.au and click on the blue banner that says Join In.
“Even if you just want to stay in the loop, sign up and you will be kept informed about upcoming meetings and progress with each project. Membership per year is $25 for adults.”
Mr Colfs said Wednesday’s meeting at 6pm would be a chance to come along and talk, listen, eat and find out what Warwick Collective is all about. Entry $10, food provided.
On Wednesday 9 April at 6pm, The Cherry Tree will again host the group’s first event, an Energy Efficiency Seminar with a guest expert who can pass on information on how local businesses can save money. This is a free event with food and drinks provided.