Monkeying in the market


MARKET in the Mountains will be held this weekend Sunday 7 June, and organisers are inviting you to spot the monkeys.
Spot the monkeys you say? Read on McDuff, read on.
The day is not only the Queen’s Birthday weekend but the first in the Brass Monkey Season markets.
Deciding Christmas in winter is a bit pass, but wanting to emphasise the difference in climate which visitors can experience in this region, organisers have gone for a different take this year.
So Brass Monkey season is with monkeys, (monkey dolls, pictures of monkeys or anything which suggests monkeys), gracing the stalls.
They are inviting visitors to see if they can spot all the monkeys.
However, even the organisers won’t know how many there are because they don’t know which stallholder will join in the fun or if there will be more than one monkey on any stall.
There is no prize for the “Spotting of the Monkeys” but free raffle tickets will be handed out to each person who makes a purchase.
This free raffle will be drawn between 10.30 and 10.45am on the day. The lucky person will receive a $20 Gift Voucher from Market in the Mountains, Crafters’ Cafe excepted.
This promotion will finish with the August market.
The fund-raiser on Sunday is in benefit of the Amiens State School which will be having a raffle to be drawn on the day.
Their P and C is raising funds for improvements to the facilities for the students.