Expected storm lashes coast, leaves us high and dry

Threatening skies but very little action around the Southern Downs at the weekend.

TO the east, rain and wind battered the Coast along South East Queensland and Northern NSW and there were evacuations in Lismore and the Tweed but predicted heavy rains didn’t reach the Southern Downs.
On Friday, Southern Downs Regional Council had warned to batten down the hatches with the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) issuing a Severe Weather Warning update on the pending system that was expected to move into the Southern Downs region, with indications that there could be 24-hour rainfall totals of between 30mm to 150mm likely over inland parts.
However SES controller John Newley said it was a non-event on the Southern Downs.
“We did have crews on standby and monitored the situation over the weekend,” he said.
“There were no requests for assistance to the Warwick SES.
“We only had 20mm of rain where we live, just on the south side of town.”
Killarney had the most rain in the region with 39mm, with unconfirmed reports of 50 to 150mm in the hills above town.
Meanwhile, council advised that Leslie Dam was now sitting at 14 percent – an increase of 0.1 percent on last week.
Storm King Dam in Stanthorpe is current at about 75 per cent with no real change from last week.