Bushfire forum

South-west Queensland firefighters will host a community information forum at Hodgson Vale south of Towoomba to help residents with their bushfire preparations.
Rural Fire Service Regional Manager Tony Johnstone said the winter had been warmer throughout the region, rather than dryer, and that the risk of fire was increasing.
“Now is the time we generally see an increase in bushfire activity, so it’s important for residents to identify bushfire risks on their land and talk to their families about preparing their property and organising a Bushfire Survival Plan,” he said.
“Survival during a bushfire is highly dependent on how well prepared residents are before the event.
“Remember, if you own the fuel you own the fire – if it’s your land and your fuel, you hold the legal responsibility to manage the fuel and reduce fire risk on your land.
“Landholders thinking of completing hazard reduction burns need to be talking with their local fire wardens to discuss weather conditions as the window of opportunity for bushfire preparations is quickly closing.
“Appropriate hydration should also be considered on dry or warm days.”
For further information on preparing for bushfire season, learning what to do when a bushfire approaches, and downloading a Bushfire Survival Plan, visit www.ruralfire.qld.gov.au.
The community information forum will be held at Hodgson Vale (south of Toowoomba), from 5.30pm to 7.30pm on Thursday 31 August at the Hodgson Vale Sports Club on Maydean Place.