Visitors praised Jumpers and Jazz


VISITORS in their thousands converged on the Southern Downs with full wallets and smiling faces to help make the 10th annual Jumpers and Jazz in July Festival the biggest on record.

It was a fairytale finish for the iconic Jumpers and Jazz festival on Sunday, 28 July, with a market at Leslie Park following 10 days of festivities.
Among those to visit was a party of 10 from north Brisbane, who had heard about the Jumpers and Jazz festival but had never made the trip.
“Each year we like to make a special trip somewhere together and this time we decided on Warwick and the Southern Downs,” spokesperson for the group, Alan Gallagher, said.
“We set up camp at Leslie Dam and made regular trips throughout the area to experience the Jumpers and Jazz festival and take in some of the beauty of this region.”
Mr Gallagher said the group had an incredible experience meeting locals, taking part in Jumpers’ workshops and enjoying their 10-day holiday.
“We made sure we spent locally and we were all really amazed by the friendly nature of people in Warwick and surrounding towns,” he said.
Mr Gallagher said he was particularly impressed by trees themed around businesses.
“I was great to see such amazing designs on the trees, and the themed ones were particularly good,” he said.
Warwick Tourism and Events CEO Tracy Vellacott said early estimates for visitor numbers were in excess of 30,000.
“With close to a $3 million boost to the local economy,” she said.
Warwick Police Senior Sergeant Stewart Day also heaped praise on the organisers of the Jumpers and Jazz festival, after only minor incidents were reported.
“Orgainsers are to be congratulated for hosting such a safe and enjoyable event for both visitors and locals,” he said.
Planning has already begun for next year’s Jumpers and Jazz on 17-27 July.

A CELEBRATION of the life and music of the late Gary Shearston will take place at the Tenterfield School of Arts today, August 1, from 7pm. For more than 50 years, Gary Shearston sang songs of peace, social justice and love, with a background of the Australian landscape he loved. For more information contact phone: (07) 4683 7184

STARGAZERS will look towards the night sky during mid August as meteor shower activity increases. The best dates to view the meteor showers were on August 13 and August 18 during the late hours – provided the weather is clear.

TENTERFIELD Shire Council has appointed Dianne Clayton as the council’s new Community Development Officer. Mrs Clayton started part time with Tenterfield Shire Council on the 17 June. This is a new position at the council and was created in response to the community forums that were held in 2012.

THE anticipated cost of the clean-up of the Pratten storm super cell is $40,000, according to a report submitted during the Southern Downs Regional Council monthly meeting on Wednesday, 31 July. Meanwhile, council’s flood damage contractor has commenced work on Top Swanfels Road. The largest proportion of work is on the sealed section. An order has also been placed to commence the Glengallan Creek Flood Study.