Climate change debate

Apparently, Cate Blanchett stuck her bib into the climate change debate and one of the “sceptics” gave her a serve.  John McConkey charged to her defence, stating that she was an, “intelligent woman”.  (Townsville Bulletin 2/6)
While it’s nice that she found the time from making lousy movies to speak out in support of the environment, I can’t agree that she is an intelligent woman. She laments the decline in Australia’s movie industry while accepting parts in soaps, which the untalented Cats who infest Australia’s movie industry call, “drama”.
John McConkey uses the fact 300,000 Chinese a year die from the pollution they are producing, as if that mattered.  300,000 humans is only a drop in the ocean compared to the more than five billion too many humans which infest this planet!
I believe it’s because of irresponsible breeding practices encouraged by religions, which is the primary cause of excessive pollution and all environmental degradation.
Most governments, including our own, actively encourage irresponsible breeding and mass immigration.

Frank Brown, Richmond