Convoy of No Confidence

I’ve only known Mick Patel for about five years and, while he’s a genuine hard-working Australian, he’s a novice about politics. Like most of you, he believes the major party politicians are there because they care about Australia and, if they get it wrong, then it’s a genuine mistake.
Nothing could be further from the truth! They are there because they are prepared to sell Australia out to a Machiavellian style One World Order and Australian businesses out to multinational monopolies.  Thanks to these major party traitors, every year Australians lose more and more!
The only way they would have taken any notice of his convoy is if it had gridlocked Canberra permanently until Gillard resigned or Oakeshott, Windsor or Wilkie joined Bob Katter to bring the Labor government down!  If gridlocking Canberra didn’t work, then they should have blockaded every major highway in NSW.
Don’t expect honour or integrity.  They don’t even know those words exist, let alone what they mean!

Frank Brown,