Health clinic for women

A WOMEN’S health nurse will conduct a free clinic at Warwick Hospital on Tuesday from 9am to 3pm.
The service is confidential and available to all women.
A clinic will also be held in Allora on 31 July from 9am to 3pm.
Women’s health nurse Kathryn Anning provides a range of services including pap smears, breast awareness, sexual health testing, as well as advice for issues such as continence, menopause, contraception and general wellbeing.
“A pap smear every two years can prevent the most common form of cervical cancer in up to 90 per cent of cases and is the best protection against cervical cancer,” Ms Anning said.
“All women who have ever had sex should start having pap smears between the ages of 18 and 20 years, or two years after first having sex, whichever is later.”
For more information, or to book, contact the Warwick Hospital’s outpatients department on 4660 3841 or Southern Cross Care Allora on 4666 3171.