Top equestrian support
Welcome to our 149th Stanthorpe Show – for visitors to our show we have lots of events to view and for competitors we have...
Sheep a favourite
A firm favourite among visitors to the Sheep Pavilion is the Ingenious Sheep Section, a creative showcase highlighting the district’s resilience in the face...
’Cute and cuddlies’
Melville’s Pioneer Farm has been entertaining patrons for the past 30 years, and we are pleased to have the opportunity to attend your event!
Handcraft entries open
The handcraft section includes sewing, mosaics, decoupage, quilling, jewellery, macrame, card making and resin art to name a few.
We always review our schedule annually...
All you need to know about the show
Maybe all you need to know is that entertainment provided during our show is free!! All thanks to our generous Sponsors Spano’s IGA, Stanthorpe...
Photographers set for showcase
The Photography Section for this year’s Show is again being co-ordinated by members of the Stanthorpe Camera Club.
Substantial prizes have again been offered for...
Lambs on centre stage
Prime lambs will take centre stage in the newly installed pens at the Sheep and Wool Pavilion during the upcoming show on Friday and...
Fruits of our labour
It’s Showtime! The Fruit and Veg section is always a favourite section for public viewing.
The stewards Gillian Boucher, Ron Anderson, Alan Carnell and...
Beautiful stitch craft
The Stanthorpe Show's stitch section includes, embroidery, sewing, patchwork, quilting, knitting and crochet. The stitch craft section is located in the main exhibition building,...
Players show the way
Dealer: E Vul: Both
♠ 432
♥ KQ876
♦ J7
♣ Q76
♠ KJ109 ...
Best laid plans often go astray
Dealer: E Vul: E/W
♠ AQ
♥ 97
♦ AQ5
♣ AKQ1065
♠ 873...
Too much information at Warwick bridge
Dealer: W Vul: Both
♠ Q876
♥ K95
♦ KQ
♣ K1076
♠ 95 ...