New Political Party announced

With the announcement of the formation of a new Political Party on Sunday, June 5, a chord was struck in the mind of this born and bred North Queenslander. The astonishing achievements of my pioneering father epitomised the very essence of those who built the roads, bridges and infrastructure of this part of Queensland that settled around 100 years after the South.
Those who remember the old Palmerstone Highway, built with pick and shovel during the depression years, or the Tully Falls Road that was to carry the requirements to build the Koomboolba Dam, must have impressed my father who had worked on both, since he won the contract to carry on his now fleet of truck, all required materials to build the dam.
When I listen to Mr Bob Katter who agonises over the state of the nation, I remember the quality of those who built it. I completely agree that a new direction is needed to alleviate a feeling of creeping concern that a tinderbox situation is lurking.
Congratulations to a man who has proven his political abilities over many, many years. This writer has long felt the arrogance of those elected on the promise to improve the lives of people, yet laws so easily proven to be flawed, continue. I therefore endorse Mr Bob Katter’s Australian Party, and let those who doubt his abilities, say so to a North Queenslander, born and bred, and be ready for the fray. He will take people with him, and hopefully less will be seen and heard of the great pretenders!
Melba Morris,