New leader for Warwick Lions

About 50 people recently attended the installation of the new president of the Lions Club of Warwick Inc,  John Francis and his new committee, in a changeover from outgoing president Con Lo Giudice in what has been a tradition since the establishment of the club 54 years ago. Held at the Warwick Golf Club, the night was well represented by the Lions members of Warwick, Killarney and Stanthorpe. Southern Downs Regional Mayor and Lion club member Ron Bellingham and wife Lions Lady Kath, Club Lions Youth of the Year Karinne Law, and members of local Apex, Zonta, and Rotary Sunrise Clubs were in attendance.
In his president’s report, outgoing president Con Lo Giudice said, “I’m happy that we finished a very successful Lionism year here in Warwick; very rewarding for me and the club. I’ve experienced the fellowship and friendship that kept our club so close. For such a small club we raised a staggering little over $22,000, which was distributed to mostly local charities, also others Lions institutions,.
“Our annual Cubby House raffle is the largest fundraiser, with $6000 raised for the Local Blue Care; this helped to sponsor and show our Warwick Lions Club International Logo – we are proud of this. The K-Del reunion Dinner Dance this year was successful, resulting in $2500 to the Warwick Branch of Cancer Council Queensland and $3500 to the Leukemia Foundation.”
The Lions club helped out during the floods earlier this year. They provided support at an evacuation centre. During the aftermath of the flood, some of Lions Ladies went to help clean houses and sporting club premises. Proceeds from the Australia Day barbecue and other sausage sizzles went to flood victims. In cooperation with The Lions Den in Brisbane, local Lions members provided clothes and other items for the Gatton, Grantham, Dalby, and Leyburn affected flood victims. Halina and John Griffith volunteered to transport these items.
A special presentation was the highlight of the night, with Mr Lo Giudice congratulating two Lions members and a Lions Lady for the outstanding services given over so many years to the Warwick Lions Club and Lions International. These presentations were made to Bob Lindenberg, life membership, Bob Lester the James D Richardson Award, and Lions Lady Margaret Sheeran the Merit Medal.
Incoming president Mr Francis said he would do his best to perform his duty to the best of his ability.
Some upcoming projects for the Lions include a long awaited trailer complete with barbecue and freezer to use at their fundraising events and to replant trees on the Line of Remembrance at Queens Park.