Knit 1, Chat 2 morning next week

The Stanthorpe Baptist Ladies’ Craft Group will be holding another “Knit 1, Chat 2” morning, following the success of their first such morning, held last year.
It is to be held at the Baptist Church hall on Tuesday from 9.30am to 12pm.
So far, they have made more than 55 blankets, which have been distributed to people in need through one of their ministries called “The Pantry”.
The Pantry gives out food parcels, clothing and the blankets knitted to anyone in need in our community.
Blankets have gone to families who are struggling with illness, have lost their home to fire or are going through a tough time. They are a tangible way of showing people someone cares.
They now have only a handful of blankets left to distribute, although winter is far from over. So they now have a great opportunity to make more blankets, and consequently are holding another Knit 1, Chat 2 morning this year.
It’s a great opportunity to catch up with old and new friends.
The hall is very warm and morning tea will be served.
There is no cost; just bring your 4mm knitting needles or crochet hook.
For more information, contact Stanthorpe Baptist on (07) 4681 1293.