Hundreds of entries in the Stanthorpe Poultry Club Show

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society Poultry Club Annual Show was a success, with 231 entries penned from across Northern New South Wales and South East Queensland.
Adam Jannusch had the hard task of judging the beautiful array of birds on show.
The Grand Champion Bird of the Show was taken out by Ian Pask with his White Wyandotte Bantam Hen.
Recent maintenance and painting to the Poultry Club pavilion had being carried out by club members Wayne McCosker, Rod Spencer and Brian Palmer prior to the annual show.
Secretary Lyn Spencer thanked the members for their handy work as it made the job of the stewards on the day a lot easier in penning all the birds.
The success of the show would not be possible without the efforts of club president Luke Hancock, Ms Spencer, stewards and volunteers.
Julie Rappo, the winner of the raffle, appreciated the prize donated by Jester Hill Wines.
“We would like to thank everyone who attended, making it a great day. Don’t forget our annual auction will be held on August 27 and we invite everyone to come along,” Ms Spencer said.
Junior Encouragement Awards: Indiah Gough, Jack Spencer, Benjamin Spencer, Ryan Hancock, Jimmy Hancock, Caleb Hancock, Maddie Spencer, Charleigh Dyball, Matthew Bell, Joshua Challenor
Reserve Champion Junior: Benjamin Spencer – Ancona Bantam hen
Champion Junior: Caleb Hancock – Welsh Harlequin Bantam Duck
Reserve Champion Breeding Pair: J Challenor – Pit Game Bantam
Champion Breeding Pair: Crosshill Poultry – Pekin Waterfowl
Reserve Champion Large Soft Feather: B & C Palmer – Barnevelder Pullet
Champion Large Soft Feather: W Bodycott – Rhode Island Red Pullet
Reserve Champion Large Hard Feather: J Challenor – Pit Game Light Plt
Champion Large Hard Feather: J Challenor – Old English Game Brown Red Cockerel
Reserve Champion Bantam Soft Feather: V & P May – Rhode Island Red Bantam Pullet
Champion Bantam Soft Feather: I Pask – White Wyandotte Bantam Hen
Reserve Champion Bantam Hard Feather: A Bultitude – Old English Game Bantam Pile
Champion Bantam Hard Feather: M & D Cook – Black Red Modern Game Bantam
Reserve Champion Waterfowl: D Lutter – Rouen Duck
Champion Waterfowl: Crosshill Poultry – Pekin Drake
Reserve Champion Bird Of Show: Caleb Hancock – Welsh Harlequin Bantam Duck
Grand Champion Bird Of Show: I Pask – White Wyandotte Bantam Hen