Same sex marriages in the spotlight

Sue Johnson (Southern Free Times 14/7/11) asks some questions regarding same sex marriage that I’m sure a lot of others are asking as well: “Where is the national leadership when it comes to moral issues?”
I have often wondered myself why we don’t hear more from the “religious” community concerning the same sex marriage issue. Where are the Islamists on this issue, as I know they are not in favour of it? As for the Christian fraternity their silence speaks volumes.
A few centuries ago Christians were being burned at the stake and suffering other depredations for a lot less than opposing same sex marriage. I guess they, like so many others, have joined the politically correct brigade and taken on the silence of the grave.
The Anglican and Uniting communities (there could be others) have had and are still having the debate on whether or not they should ordain ‘gay’ people. They don’t seem to follow their instruction book too closely as it condemns the behaviour in no uncertain terms.
In the Southern Downs region there are a lot of different “Christian” groups and it would be nice to hear from some of them on this issue and other issues as well. Are they afraid to follow their founder who was murdered for His beliefs? Perhaps they aren’t as genuine as they would like us to believe.
Jay Nauss, Glen Aplin