A great day!

While there might be many serious and sobering conflicts and concerns around the world, from riots in London to fluctuating global markets, there was been an historic win in Australia on August 10 for a marginalised, often forgotten group of people who have put up with too much for too long.
People with a disability, and their families, friends and service providers, can now look forward to a much brighter future thanks to the announcement that the Federal Government is moving forward with the Productivity Commission’s recommendation to implement a National Disability Insurance Scheme.
This means that everyone who has a disability now or in the future, at birth or by accident, will, in coming years, no longer have to fight for their basic human rights. Their needs will be fully covered, no matter where they live in Australia.
This is truly a great day in Australia for all Australians.
Bruce Milligan,
Spinal Injuries Association CEO