Christian tender moves forward

Christian Community Ministries chief executive officer John Lyndon will meet with the Southern Downs Regional Council later this week to discuss their tender for the purchase of Slade Campus.
The organisation is delighted to have been selected as the successful party to enter into detailed negotiations for Slade Campus.
“It is particularly pleasing that we have been selected on the merits of our proposal,” Mr Lyndon said.
Although the council is yet to make a decision on whether it will accept the Christian Community Ministries’ tender, Mr Lyndon is confident that it will happen.
“It was always the council’s desire to see the facility retained for educational purposes and that is exactly how it will be used under our management,” he said.
If successful, Mr Lyndon said they would contact current users in the hope that arrangements could be made to allow these groups to still operate at the campus after hours or in fenced off sections of the school.
“We look forward to Slade remaining available for community use.
“We also want to be sensitive to the past history of Slade and we both acknowledge and respect the sacrifices of time, effort and finance that have been contributed by many people over past decades.”
Acquisition of this property will be of tremendous benefit to the accelerated growth of Warwick Christian College.
From an educational point of view, the earliest it could be used as a school would be the second semester in 2012, as there are approvals required from government bodies prior to that happening.
“We have lodged an application for accreditation for secondary education and, once fully accredited, the overall enrolments of Warwick Christian College are expected to increase rapidly.
“A principal with extensive management and secondary school experience and a keen desire to work in Warwick has already been selected and will be taking up the leadership of Warwick Christian College during the second half of 2012,” Mr Lyndon said.