Love My River winners announced

More than 70 people attended the awards presentation of the Love My River ‘River Recollections’ photography and writing competitions hosted by the Condamine Headwaters Landcare Group.
The Photography Challenge was judged by Sarah Moles and first prize in the open category was awarded to David Bishop with the entry ‘Reflections’.
“This photo captures the river in a beautiful, tranquil mood and the mist hovering over the water is just lovely,” Ms Moles said.
Mr Bishop won a two-night stay for two at Goomburra Forest Retreat.
Second place winners were Narelle Henry with ‘Bringing the Cows Home’ and Andrew Borrell with ‘Flood Reflections’.
Both Narelle and Andrew received an A3 enlargement of their photograph.
First place in the Primary School category went to Kate Potter who captured an image of Leslie Dam. Kate received a one-year membership to the CSIRO Double Helix Science Club.
The Written Challenge was judged by Toni Somes. Some 55 entries were received, with Norm Burton placing first place for his composition ‘That time of the Day’.
Norm received an overnight stay at Stacey’s at the Gap for two, including dinner and breakfast.
Second place went to Jennifer Bryant who submitted ‘Observations of Tiddalick’, whilst two submissions were awarded a highly commended, the first by Tony Symonds and the second by Geraldine Watts.
Tony wrote about his observations of Canal Creek titled ‘The Fluvial Cycle’ and Gerry wrote a moving story of ‘The River and the Land that Changed Me’.
In the Year 7 category, first place was awarded to Sarah Atkinson with ‘The Condamine River’. Sarah received a family pass to the Queensland Museum Science Centre.
Second place was awarded to Bianca Walker and three highly commended awards were presented to Fraser Peterson, Kate-Elizabeth Worth and Phillipa Hooker.
In the Year 4-6 category, first place was awarded to Kate Potter for her recollection of a recent fishing trip to Millervale Creek.
Daniel Cooper was awarded second place’ with highly commended awards given to Jackson Blake and Michael Richards.
Last but not least, Preps to Year 3 students submitted an acrostic poem about their river experience.
First place was awarded to Emily Cox and second place to Lachlan Boal.
Highly commended awards in this category went to Mason Hardwick and Kelsey Marlow.
A big thank you needs to go to the individual schools that supported the challenges.
In particular, Scots PGC Year 7 class with their beautiful poetry, Warwick Central and Murray’s Bridge state schools for their wonderfully presented acrostic poems and the children at Wheatvale State School for their marvellous recollections of the flooding events last summer.
All entries will be showcased on the Landcare website at