Preaching to the faithful

“Can-do” Newman blew into Stanthorpe and preached to the faithful at a $28 per head dinner meeting, briefly walked the streets and disappeared.
It would have been an excellent opportunity for Lawrence Springborg (our member) and the new LNP “messiah” to address a public meeting in the Civic Centre. People would have been able to hear the promises and ask some questions.
Country people have been “sold out” to the big city-based LNP and the mining magnates that control it.
One can assume that, under the LNP, there will be no change from the disastrous debt system that has the government and councils in deep hock to the bankers.
A few years ago Stanthorpe was within a few months of running out of water. Storm King Dam, now containing more silt since the flood, will dry up in the next drought. This is a problem the LNP should urgently address.
A few years ago, hundreds of concerned people rolled up to hear Pauline Hanson speak at a public meeting. The Labor Party has inflicted a lot of hardship on rural folks since coming to power.
Let’s hope a public meeting is arranged when Bob Katter waltzes into town.
Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin