In response

John Salata (SFT 6/10/11) quotes Sir Robert Menzies as saying that a Labor politician is a Communist with no brains. Are we to take this to mean that Communist have no brains?
When a group of Communist, in 1917 can organise a sealed train to take them across war-torn Germany as WWI rages and, with 20 million dollars in gold from New York bankers, slip into Russia and, with a minority of hard core revolutionaries, organise the overthrow of the Russian government and then prosecute a successful civil war and take control of a country the size of Russia and create of it an imposing empire; to accomplish that requires a lot of brains.
If I were to be compared to a Communist I would take it as a GREAT compliment.
Those who are now leading Australia, according to Mr Salata, have no brains. Quite the contrary, they are overflowing with brains. It is the public that voted to put them into power, so I have to assume it is the public that is five stubbies short of a six-pack.
Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin