Make your vote count

How does one prepare to stand for Council? What must a candidate aim to achieve for his/her community? Those who hope to win a Councillor’s Position are asking for our trust, when great reservations called ‘experience,’ blur our vision. In the 20 years this writer has been marking the roll of Council, only Allora’s own knew the meaning of a council by the people for the people. The loss of savings, jobs, identity and authority cost Allora dearly. People meant something back then, compared to today when we are objects of value only to the bottom line. The elderly are shamelessly neglected and, if those who wish to make a difference in March 2012 aim to be a cut above the current council, they should leave the party tricks and the parties off the menu. Care for the community by caring less for the perks of office and more for those who struggle to save for months to pay rates they see nothing for. The blinding act of allowing a chicken hatchery to produce one million chickens a week within cooee of this quaint village showed utter contempt for those who will have to witness the destruction of hatchlings, should flood or bad weather obstruct their removal within days of emerging. Floods upon the site occurred less than a year ago. However, this Council saw fit to ignore residents’ pleas. An early reminder to ratepayers, use election day as a special date and travel to booths to personally place your votes in the ballot boxes. Do not use the postal service if at all practicable, for the satisfaction of knowing your precious vote will emerge on the only day of reckoning, election day!

Melba Morris