Inspiring Women raise money for cancer

The exhibition ‘Inspiring Women’ will be held at the Warwick Art Gallery until November 13.
‘Inspiring Women’ consists of 14 portraits of women who have inspired local photographer, Shanea Rossiter, during her life.
The exhibition is part of the Cancer Council’s ‘Girls Night In’ promotion, which aims to raise money for cancer research, prevention and support programs.
Shanea is in her final year of studies at the Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE and soon will complete her Diploma in Photo Imaging.
“‘Inspiring Women’ is my first solo exhibition and I am extremely proud to be holding it in my home town of Warwick,” Shanea said.
“I was inspired by the strength and wisdom of the women who I have been blessed with in my life; I wanted to capture their spirit and share it,” she said.
“What I loved most about the development of this exhibition was being able to take the images and concepts I created in my mind and transform them into a reality that can be shared with others.”
Doug Spowart, Head of Photo Imagining Department at Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE said, “Shanea is a talented photographer who has shown a real flair for capturing people and moments.
“This exhibition is a highlight in a student’s study and allows them to share the skills and experience they have gained throughout their Diploma with the greater community.”
‘Inspiring Women’ is being supported by the Warwick Breast Cancer Support Group, including donating prizes to a raffle, which will run throughout the exhibition.
The exhibition will be formally opened on Sunday by Narelle Rossiter, Shanea’s mother, who recently fought her own battle against breast cancer.
Anyone who would like to make a donation to the Cancer Council should visit their website at or contact Shanea on 0412 774 167.
The main gallery in the Warwick Art Gallery is showing the ‘Collective Choice’ exhibition; a unique look at the Southern Downs art collection through the eyes of our local residents.
The gallery is opened to the public from 10am to 4pm weekdays and 10am to 1pm on weekends. Entry is free.