Thank you

The Warwick and District Country Music Club would like to take this opportunity to thank the community, the clubs and organisations, musicians, performers and food and market stalls who supported us at our Community Showcase at the Slade Campus.
A special thank you to the wonderful volunteers who helped make this event happen. Some of these people were not members of our club, but they generously donated their time and services. This was very much appreciated by our members.
To our sponsors, Southern Downs Regional Council, for allowing us to use the complex which was the perfect setting for such an event.
Thank you to Kel Williamson for having the grounds in picture perfect condition for the weekend and for his invaluable help and support before and after the event. We salute you Kel.
Thank you Queensland Rail for the sponsorship of our signage.
Our thanks also go to Michelle McMurtrie, Rene’s Hairdressing, Lyon Street Butchery, O’Mahonys Hotel, Eagle Boys, Dl’s Coffee Lounge, Lorraine’s Breakfast and Lunch, Café’ Jacqui’s for the donation of vouchers for our raffle – your generosity is much appreciated.
We would like to convey our sincere thanks to the Free Times for its continued support of our club with the before and after coverage of events. As our club is continually fundraising for charitable groups and also helping other organisations with their fundraising, your support is invaluable and helps with the success of these events.
The Warwick and District Country Music Club was very pleased to be able to donate a cheque to the value of $1500 to the Warwick and District Disability Support Group from the profits of our showcase weekend.
Ev Eastwell (Secretary)
Warwick & District Country Music Assn.