Final spring wildflower walk

The final in a series of spring wildflower walks on the Granite Belt will be held this Sunday at the Junction Track area in Girraween National Park.
The walks are conducted by the Stanthorpe Rare Wildflower Consortium, which was formed in 2004 by a number of local groups and individuals with a mutual interest in conserving threatened plants on the Granite Belt.
Spokesperson for the consortium, Liz Bourne, said the walks aimed to show people some of the diversity of the flora of the Granite Belt as well as helping them to identify local species and learn more about their ecological requirements.
“With all of the good rain that we have been having recently, the wildflowers are really spectacular this year so there should be an excellent display of many species in flower on Sunday,” she said.
“The Junction Track is noted for its diversity of wildflowers so there should be plenty to see on the day.
“We’ll also have copies of our popular wildflower booklet available for sale to help people to identify the most widely seen species and expert consortium members to lead groups on the day.”
Ms Bourne said that anyone with an interest in the Granite Belt’s unique wildflowers was welcome to come along on Sunday’s walk.
The track is suitable for people of all ages and abilities but participants should wear sensible footwear and a hat and bring along a water bottle.
The group will be meeting at the day use picnic area beyond the Information Centre at the park at 9.30am and will then walk along the Junction Track for a couple of hours.
For further details phone (07) 4683 6374 or go to