Council to negotiate on Slade Campus

Slade Campus could once again operate as a school as early as 2013, depending on the progress of negotiations between Christian Communities Ministries and the Southern Downs Regional Council.
The council resolved at its general meeting last week to delegate authority to Mayor Ron Bellingham, chief executive officer Rod Ferguson and Corporate Services Committee chair Cr Mally McMurtrie to continue negotiations with a view to entering into a contact of sale for Slade Campus.
Christian Communities Ministries had put in a tender for the purchase of the campus to allow for the expansion of its Warwick Christian College.
The many community groups using Slade Campus may be able to continue to do so if the sale proceeds.
Cr Bellingham said Christian Communities Ministries had indicated that community groups would not be excluded from using the Slade site, provided their use does not interfere with the operations of the school.
“It has always been the council’s view that the best use of the Slade Campus site would be as a community or educational facility,” he said.
Cr Bellingham said the sale price was part of the ongoing negotiation with Christian Communities Ministries.
“At this point in time, the funds have not been earmarked for any specific purpose. In the interim, any funds received will be used to top up cash reserves.
“The divestment of assets is considered in line with the council’s strategic and operational activities. For example, land that has been identified as surplus to requirements may be sold to fund future capital works, flood mitigation programs, etcetera.”
Cr Bellingham said the council was constantly reviewing its asset portfolio.
“The council will be receiving a report on its land holdings later this year, with a view to determining whether any land is to be disposed of.
“However, any decision of this nature is based on anticipated future requirements, the state of the market, and the potential uses to which the sale monies could be put,” he said.
The Southern Free Times is interested in your views on this issue; send your letters to

Story: Rebecca Brown