International Club 2021 Ladies

International Club Ladies 2021.

Tyler Death – Goal Keeper

Tyler is a versatile player having contributed in many positions both on the field and in goal. She is a confident Goal Keeper, Defender and Striker. Circumstances mean that she is unfortunate to be unable to take part in this week’s Grand Final.

MacKenzie Swan – Goal Keeper

Mackenzie is our No 1 Goal Keeper and while enjoying the chance to have a run in the field will be donning the keeper’s jersey again for this week’s Grand Final. She is very reliable and has certainly played a major part throughout the year in Inter’s road to the finals.

Ella Harrold – Centre Back

Ella is arguably the best centre back in the comp. She is super cool under pressure and very rarely passed. She is very fast with excellent timing and great ball control. An excellent defender plus invaluable in running play.

Natalie Wust – Left Back

Nat is tenacious and tireless defender and will keep running till her last breath. She reads the play very well and continually foils attacking raids to quickly turn defence into attack. She is the steadying influence for the whole team and very much the role model for the younger players.

Addison Swan – Right Back

Addison is Football Stanthorpe’s Best Emerging Talent recipient for 2021 and has a very mature head on young shoulders. A very unassuming player who never seems to be rushed but is rock solid in defence. She has developed over the course of the year to be one of the best defenders on the park.

Brooklyn Favero – Centre Midfield

Brooklyn is a very versatile player in attack and defence. She has great skills on the ball and poses a threat to any opposition in her lead-up play. She gives her all and covers a massive amount of territory during the course of the game.

Jenna Fox – Centre Midfield

Jenna is a very tactical player and can read the game as well as anyone. She has great skills and ball sense in attack and is excellent in cover defence. She is very much the quiet achiever and who works tirelessly all game and has improved immensely this year.

Megan Jones – Centre Midfield

Megan’s positional play is extremely beneficial to the team as she combines unselfishly with those around her to build up evolving attacks. She is a vigorous defender and an extremely versatile player in any position on the field. She is fit and fast and works tirelessly right to the final whistle.

Riannon Fox – Midfield

Riannon is an excellent midfielder with the ability to push forward and strengthen the attack in an instant. She works to guide the play through wide runs and excellent passes to set up many constructive advances towards goal. She is totally committed and would do anything for this team.

Kirstie McCosker – Midfield

Kirstie is another quite achiever and is most likely very under-rated by her opposition. She is very deceptive and has great touch on the ball. She distributes excellent passes and is always there in support. Kirstie is equally in control in defence and regularly fills this role as well.

Jessie Johnstone – Midfield

Jessie is a very mobile player being able to transition between defence and attack very quickly. She is extremely dedicated and supports for her team mates very well in all roles. Border restrictions will deny Jessie the opportunity to compete in this match and definitely removes a very strong player from the Inter team.

Madelyn Glenwright – Midfield

Madelyn is in her first year and has fitted very well into this side. She works very hard during her entire time on the field and has improved to be a solid defender and also pushes up into attack to increase pressure on the opposing defensive line.

Shania Politch – Forward

Shania is an explosive striker with the ability to take on the opposition and move through the defensive line to score or strike from long range. She plays well beyond her years and is full of energy for the entire match.

Taylah Gilbert – Forward

Taylah is also a very strong attacker and a great supporter in all attacking raids. She runs hard and get herself in great position to menace the defensive line and if unguarded will punish in an instant.