Kids connecting to country

Connecting to Country sessions for school groups and children in Stanthorpe today and in Warwick on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 March.

Galibal Gidabul Elder Aunty Kali will run Connecting to Country sessions for school groups and children in Stanthorpe today and in Warwick on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 March.

She will take groups of children onto local country and share with them how First Nations people loved the land and cared for it.

Co-organiser Brenda Parsons said that children will feel the land, look at the plants, listen to the sounds, smell the scents, and look for creatures.

“Elder Aunty Kali will show them ways in which her people feel that the earth is part of them, and they of it, and how they managed their use of it to live,” Brenda said.

The sessions will be run by Warwick group Waringh Waringh, with support from Highways and Byways: a community of service.

Waringh Waringh group treasurer David Parsons said the group received a grant to help mainly children to inform a stronger relationship with the land and country.

“It’s to show children the importance of the land and country,” David said.

For more information, contact David on 0459 655 648 or email