No discrimination

In reply to Neil Briscoe’s arguments for ‘gay’ equality
Sorry to burst your bubble old mate, but homosexuals are not allowed to be discriminated against in Australia, in a similar manner to the racial injustice perpetrated in apartheid in outh Africa and pre-1960s Alabama and currently share the same jobs, live in the same streets, live in the houses next door and use the same bathroom facilities at McDonalds and KFC.
Homosexuals can publically display their lifestyle choice at national events such as the Sydney Gay Mardi Gras and serve openly in national institutions such as the Defence Force. This so-called equality may not in the future extend to those who disagree.
The precedence has already been set in the United States where Christian Chaplains have been forced to resign as a result of disagreeing with open homosexuality in the US Defence Force, Christian photographers have been taken to court and forced to pay costs for refusing to photograph same-sex ‘vow’ ceremonies, even though alternate photographers’ services were available to them and transgender males have even used the court system to claim discrimination on the basis that females complained when they decided to use female bathroom facilities.
Just think, all this in the interest of normalising aberrant sexual behaviour! This experimental social change will be difficult to reform once entrenched, regardless of how untidy it becomes. The Christian desire for the original concept of marriage and lifetime commitment, with its roots in Biblical truth being retained is not at all unreasonable.

Jamie Bath
Mount Tabor