Rating Consultation Group begins review of 2012/2013 rating model

The Southern Downs Regional Council’s Rating Consultation Group has begun a review of the 2012/2013 rating model being considered by the council.
The group is made up of a number of residents representing various sectors within the region, and three Councillors.
Group spokesperson Kelvin Hutchinson, an Allora resident, has reported that the council is in a sound financial position, with debt and overall sustainability ratios within State Government and normal accounting guidelines.
“As with most commercial operations, the council needs to allow for inflation, regional infrastructure demands and the service delivery levels expected of any local government,” Mr Hutchinson said.
“The group is looking at fine-tuning the rating category banding and is also carefully reviewing the Minimum General Rate within each category to try to make this more equitable across the region,” he said.
“Certain areas within the region enjoy certain infrastructure such as good quality roads, whereas other areas do not have this. It is a difficult thing to explain when ratepayers in these different areas with different levels of service and infrastructure pay exactly the same rates,” Mr Hutchinson said.
“Unfortunately, some residents may also be adversely affected by increased property valuations, which are something outside of the council’s control.
“The State Government legislates that the Unimproved Value of the land is the basis for all rate calculations and State Government, not the council, sets those valuations,” he said.
Mr Hutchinson conceded that rating is a complex issue, and expressed his appreciation to the council for allowing all group members unfettered access to the council’s financial information and projections, Councillors themselves, directors and council officers.
“It is important for us to have access to all of this information if the group is to provide meaningful advice to the council on rating, and this has certainly been the case,” he said.
Rates notices are expected to be released in August.