In response

In reply to email from Trevor John re: Closet Royalist (June 27) I wish to allay Mr John’s uncertainty as to why my name was not printed in the letter regarding the contents. I did not issue instructions for my name to be withheld by the editor.
Why would Mr John suggest that this oversight be an embarrassment towards me. I’m not afraid or embarrassed to express my point of view on any subject.
To reiterate, the British discovered Australia and claimed it as a colony.
The inhabitants of the land as we have been informed by eminent historians were the occupiers who were totally unaware of European existence – OK. So to justify my assertion re another nation that may have discovered Australia prior to the British may not have been as benevolent to the occupiers and the past and the present.
If you disagree Mr John, that is your prerogative, however one can only assume your vehemence towards royalty and constitution is self evident.

Greg D Daley
[Editor’s Note: Unfortunately a clerical error occurred, we apologise for this omission and the confusion it caused. Sorry about that Greg.]